Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March Favorites ☆

Hello everyone! I wanted to get this out a couple days ago, but at least I still managed to post it early. These are my favorite products of March 2013. I would have liked to post more but these are no doubt, amazing.

These eyedrops from rohto are the best EVER. They have a cooling agent in them so when your eyes are super dry these will work wonders. Warning though, if you've never used any eyedrops like this its a bit of a shock at first. I was freaking out the first time I used them, haha

Since Winter is coming to a close I wanted to stock up on these babies. Blood oranges. They're just so much better than regular oranges. If your market still has any in season go get them before they're gone.

Real talk. The Body Shop has some seriously amazing products but THIS. Sadly I found out this month that they're discontinuing the almond scent. WHYYYYY. I love anything Almond! So does my boyfriend so its a win-win. But seriously, I've tried tons of body butters and body lotions before and nothing works as good for me as this. And lets get real for a minute, stretch marks...a lot of you girls have them. After using this for a week straight on my stretch marks they lightened up so much. So for a product to not only do what it says AND makes you feel better about yourself? I'm blown away.

TEA TIME! Ok so I've been going crazy over tea this month. Every time I'm at the supermarket I take at least a box home. Out of all the ones I've tried so far these are my favorites! Tazo tea is just one of the best brands. And Sleepytime tea is something I swear by. I always have a glass before bed. And the Vanilla is so soothing. Next are my favorite Lush products of the month!

I bought this bath bomb for my boyfriends Easter basket. I originally went to get him some Easter bath goodies but my shop was all sold out! My fault for being late but I decided to give Big Blue a shot because he had always talked about it but we never tried it. And I'm glad I did! It smells so good and the amount of seaweed inside was crazy! It felt so cool playing with them.

Sea Spray. Ya'll know about sea salt spray I'm sure. I haven't tried any other brands but have always wanted to so I gave this a try since I saw it in Lush's new hair care line. And after i tried it, I seriously threw my Garnier hairspray in the garbage. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING. After I curl my hair I brush them out a bit and spray this all over and fluff. it makes my curls SO BIG and holds them for a long time. And even when I get out of the shower, I'll dry my hair half-way, scrunch and spray with this and I have the cutest textured waves. I swear by this product. And not only does it work well but it smells so freaking good. I get compliments all the time by people wondering what that smell is. You wont regret getting this if you're thinking about it, I promise. Well that's all guys! I think my next post will be of all my pets! There's a lot in my apartment so it should be interesting.

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