Friday, June 28, 2013

♪ Making Mischief ♫

I haven't posted anything in a while, so I decided I would finally update you guys on my hair. It's lime green! Or as I like to call it, Slime Green. I was watching Jem & The Holograms all day on Netflix and I realized my hair is pretty much exactly the same color as Pizzazz from The Misfits! So I thought it would be fun to replicate her makeup and take a couple pictures.

In case you're wondering what products I used, I started with Juice Beauty CC Cream as a primer/base, then Urban Decays Naked Skin foundation, and concealed with boi-ing by Benefit. For the shadows I used a NYX jumbo pencil in milk, then both loose pigments by Sugarpill in Decora & Weekender. And as for the lips I used Lustering by MAC. Sorry, that was very unorganized of a list. I just wanted to make this quick since my bf just walked in and is laughing at me.


  1. Hey I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Awards which is more like a tag; all you have to do is answer my 10 questions listed on one of my recent posts and tag 10 more people. (: You have a different taste compared to a lot of blogs I have been seeing lately which is why I tagged you. Hope you're having a great day! (:


    1. Oh I forgot to mention that the 10 people you tag must have under 200 followers
